Friday, February 13, 2009

I Love You

"I Love You"
"I'm Sorry"
"Please Forgive Me"
"Thank You"

Love seems to be the theme this week, with Valentine's Day coming up on Saturday. I was thinking how sad I was that I had no one to send a valentine to. Sad that I have nobody to spend Valentine's Day with. Then I realized that it was my own fault. It's really me I want to have a love affair with, if that makes any sense. So I can send a valentine to myself!

I came across this the, other day, and it just stopped me in my tracks. I create everything that happens in my life. By saying these four little sentences, to myself, to others, I can choose between love and fear. Ultimately much in my life boils down to a choice between love and fear.

"I Love You"

"I'm Sorry"

"Please Forgive Me"

"Thank You"

Magical words!

Happy Valentine's Day

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