Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Adventures in Driving

The best part of my job is learning people's stories. What they do. Who they are. What kind of businesses they are in. What their dreams are.

I occasionally drive famous people around. **Disclaimer. I swear to Pete that I will NOT mention your name, what you do, or anything identifying about you!** I wish I could, but I can't really mention any names. Usually they are really nice. I can only remember one that was a little ditzy, a young actress/singer. If her manager and her called each other Dude one more time.... well, let's just say it was annoying. CEOs are in general, charming, down to earth acting people. Come to think of it, I guess that's why they get hired.

I have so much fun doing what I do. My goal is to make the trip go so smoothly that there is no stress at all for the people I am driving. The perfect trip. On time. Clean Car. I offer to pick up lunches, send faxes, run errands, or whatever when my customers are in their meetings. They love that. They feel very taken care of. I guess it feels like Mom is driving them around.

Today is one of those fun days when I drive someone and don't have to pick them up for five hours, but I still get paid for the whole time. A CEO of a very big company flew in, I picked him up to give a speech at university. I will take him back to the plane later. I am driving the big Cadillac Escalade SUV.

Tomorrow and Friday I will drive some folks from London that are here to shop. I really look forward to when they come into town. They are more like my friends than my customers. I get to drive the big business class van. The fun is finding a place to park it near my house. I can't fit it into the garage. The Brits love to make fun of my strong Chicago accent. They like the way I say my name; Seaaaaandy. And while we are at it, I live in Chi-Kaw-Go, not in Chi-kah-go.

I like driving the Cadillac sedan the best. First of all it only has 350 miles on it. Second, you guessed it, XM Radio. The XM subscription ran out on the Escalade. I miss my 1940s music and my bluegrass station. Ooh, and Deep Tracks. I love that one.

Time to go for a walk. I need some exercise. I have time to get a few miles in. I am in a walking challenge, on BuddySlim.
I need to get in 130 miles by New Years Eve!
On Buddy Slim I am known as Jasmyn. I wrenched my back and hip, running. I hope my hip and back get better in time for me to do 130 miles. I only started running a few months ago. I went the the Chiropractor, and she has me feeling much better. Dr. Heather if you are reading this, you are a genious! I can't wait to start running again.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What do you do with cram berries? Uhhhhh :)

Sandy's Market News:

Truth be told, I am a serial grocery shopper. It seems like every ethnic neighborhood I go to has some great little market for fresh produce.

I just love to cook. Usually the trunk of my car has at least one bag of fresh vegetables and fruit.

I see some very interesting signs!

"Mr. ethnic grocery store owner I want my vegetables fresh all day. Got that?" And while we are on the subject of food, I like it really fresh. All day. Not just in the morning, not just in the evening, all day. Got that?

All Day Freshness

Aww Nuts, I wanted peas

There are flowers still blooming in Chicago. Not for long, though, it was in the 30s today. And later it got sunny.
The stock market went up. Any correlation?

Chicago early in the morning

It's a quarter after 6 in the morning and it is still dark out. My XM Radio of the day is Radio Disney. Not all of the stations are working today. Bah humbug, it's too early for Christmas music.

Time fade....It's now 8 in the morning and the sun still isn't up. By far, the funniest comment of the day came from a gasoline truck driver who was filling up the pumps at the gas station.

Me:"Wow, it's crowded today, they must be giving away free gas."

Truck driver: "You don't want my opinion, do you?"


Truck driver:
"Too many a**holes, not enough asphalt

"Ohh.... hahaha"

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The bobble-head doggie guy at U.S. Highway 55 and Cicero, Chicago

Selling trinkets U.S. 55 and Cicero, Chicago
Guy selling bobble head dogs: "Two for five bucks". "You don't have five bucks? How about two?" "No? You got a dollar?" Me: "Sorry, I really don't have any cash, only plastic. But thanks for letting me take your picture."

There are always several people working this busy corner on the way to Midway Airport in Chicago. Well, more than several, actually. Usually at least six. On one corner is the "Homeless please help" sign guy with the pleading eyes. On the other corner is a woman who says her car broke down with her kids in it. The only thing, is it is the same people begging every day. It's very well choreographed, and I wonder what penalty they pay for trespassing on someone else's corner turf.

Pictures from today's adventures

Geese on parade

I saw a parade of geese today at 31st Street Beach in Chicago.

Parade of Geese

They are supposed to be Canada Geese but they never leave.

Half a fish

Half a fish is better than none?

The stock market goes up on a sunny day after five gloomy down days

Is there a connection? It has been gloomy as all get out for the past week. We're talking gray. No sun. Really depressing. I remember in high school meeting someone who told me their mood wasn't affected by the weather. And thinking wow, mine is, is there something wrong with me? In winter I feel very introspective, like a tree digging deep with its feeler roots seeking nourishment. But today I feel great because the sun is out, people are smiling, and the temperature is in the 60s.

My skin is starting to look a little pasty, you know, that weird white color of people's faces at O'Hare Airport in January when you are flying back from Miami. I get used to the sunshine really fast. When the days get shorter and dimmer in the fall I start getting depressed. I love the fall colors, but it always symbolizes winter coming. By January I am always fine. By January I have gotten introspective and am in my planning state. My mind is so fertile in the winter. I wonder if trees do that. I wonder if they are planning for the spring, and thinking about getting their sap flowing. I wonder if they are stretching down a little deeper in the ground to get the the water and minerals.

Is there a connection? Between trees and me looking for the sun? Is there a connection? That the stock market went down when the days were gloomy and up when the sun came out?


I am waiting to pick someone up at an office building in Oak Brook, Illinois. There is a Latina lady cleaning the shiny glass on the gold framed revolving door with a white cloth. She is cleaning while the radio plays Suavacita Bailador. I imagine her dancing with her husband to the hot Latin music.

The red maples and yellow feathery honey locusts are blowing me away. I love how pretty the trees look.

I can't wait to get my iPod Nano! I bought a little transmitter for my running shoes at Nike. I tried it out yesterday with my daughter's Nano. How cool! It keeps track of distance, speed, and I can download it all after I run and keep track of it! I thought I had a Nano but it was a Shuffle. My sister was kind enough to buy a Nano for me.