Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bored in Indiana

Bored in Indiana. The thing about Notre Dame is that the town looks exactly the same as Milwaukee. Which looks exactly the same as Madison. Which looks exactly the same as Indianapolis. I grew up in a college town, Evanston, Illinois. It was pretty sophisticated and cosmopolitan. I can't find anything to do here. Mommmmmy, I'm borrrrrrrred.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


These are the lessons I needed to learn today:

I just met a homeless guy at Starbucks in Old Town. He was the most amazing artist. This guy was drawing highly detailed and colored cartoons. He handed me his book and let me flip through it. I was highly impressed. He told me he had sold a few books. I suggested to him that he give some of his work away. He looked shocked, and said that he couldn't do that. I explained further, that he could give some of his work away free on the internet. Just start a website with free comics people can read, then set up a PayPal account to take donations. Then he could make snippets of his other comics to sell. He said he would open a checking account so he can take PayPal. Wow, I'm great at thinking up ideas for other people, why can't I do this for myself?


Giving it away is something I have been thinging about a lot lately. My entrepreneurial self wants desperately to get back into business for myself. Winter time is my natural time for incubating ideas. I am looking for the right idea, the right thing to give away to attract business.

The homeless artist started talking about why he was homeless. It was a lesson I needed to learn today He was homeless because he was carrying the paychecks for his boss, and he found out that someone had less seniority than he did and was making more money. He said that the price of apartments is too expensive. And he had to have two jobs just to afford the rent. I couldn't even answer. I just nodded. I realized that when I get to talking negatively about things in my life, all it attracts to me is negativity. Nothingness. Negativity keeps me imprisoned in a box of negativity

My spirit guide has been talking to me lately. I know you are going to think I am nuts for saying I have a spirit guide, but I do. This is what he has been telling me.

TREADING WATER: I have been treading water for quite some time. Neither moving here, nor there. I am in a state of limbo, waiting for my life to happen.


The universal spirit sends the ideas to me, I implement the plan, I come up with more ideas. I create the design.

--Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them. (Thoreau)
So, do I want to keep on treading water? Or is it time to swim?

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Dentist's Accountant

The dentist's accountant
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
An accountant for dentists? Seen near the University of Chicago in a strip mall.

Beautiful church

Beautiful church
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
Hyde Park, Chicago, Yes, Chicago has a Hyde Park, too. The area around the University of Chicago has lots of gorgeous churches.

Friendly church

Friendly church
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
This church is in Hyde Park near the University of Chicago

Frank Lloyd Wright house

Frank Lloyd Wright house
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
Robie House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright is across the street from the University of Chicago's business school


Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
New restauran at 190 S. LaSalle Street. Finally someone pronnounces it right. Well, actually it should be Shi-Kaw-Go. They forgot the "w".

Chicago buildings from the bottom

Looking up from the bottom, I am humbled by the sheer size of these buildings

Monday, January 7, 2008

President Bush in Chicago

I watched Air Force One land at O'Hare Airport this morning. Whenever President Bush flies into Chicago from the airport in a helicopter, he has two helicopters surrounding his helicopter. All other air traffic is stopped.  

It seems like President Bush may be taking elocution lessons. Although, he did say that to improve the economy, we should using nuk-u-lure energy power.   Bush spoke today at a school about the success of his No Child Left Behind program.  Then he spoke to a group about the economy.  I didn't quite get what he said, (as usual) although an analogy to Winston Churchill was fairly funny.  Bush said that Churchill was known for what he did for the English language, while he (Bush) was know for what he did to the English language.  

Friday, January 4, 2008

Me with the band

Me with the band
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
I asked the jazz band playing holiday favorites at Midway Airport if I could take their picture. They asked ME to be in the picture :)

Chicago, We're Glad You're Here!

I was bored, it was the day before Christmas Eve. I had to meet a customer at Midway Airport. Everyone was in a festive mood, and there were bands playing, and Christmas trees decorated with music notes. If you're ever at Midway Airport, they have great food from authentic Chicago local favorite restaurants. Be sure to get yourself some food to take on the plane. When I visit my son in California, I like to take him a corned beef on rye with mustard and amazing lightly dilled pickles from Manny's Deli. Manny's on Roosevelt Road is an institution in Chicago. Everyone from cops to the brokers from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade visits Manny's. (Wow, Manny's should pay me for this plug)

Band performing at Midway Airport

These guys were so good. There were bands playing at Midway Airport during December. I asked them to play Take 5, and the chops just rolled off their instruments like honey.

Random bowling team

Random bowling team
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
At Midway Airport, in Chicago a girls bowling team posed for me

Leaning Tower at the YMCA Chicago

Chicago has its own leaning tower and it's all gussied up for Christmas. It really is the Leaning Tower YMCA, in Niles, Illinois, I swear it.

Leaning phone booth

Leaning phone booth
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
Phone booth outside the leaning tower of Niles

Leaning Tower YMCA, Chicago

Leaning Tower YMCA, Chicago
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine

Sears tower

Sears tower
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
Sears Tower looks huge when I am standing under it

Chicago flag and crane

Chicago flag and crane
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine
The Chicago city bird appears to be the building crane. Don't tell anyone there is a building slump in Chicago, just count the cranes in the sky!

Christmas lights

Christmas lights
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine

Our Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree
Originally uploaded by SandyJasmine